We Love Sibling Stories Week Tag

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Today marks the beginning of We Love Sibling Stories Week over at Hamlette’s Soliloquy…I may or may not be still writing my post for that, and it may or may not be turning out much longer than anticipated. But all hypotheticals aside, I thought it would be rather fun to start off with the We Love Sibling Stories Week tag.

1. Do you have any siblings?

Yes, I have four big brothers. I was that child growing up who had a great time hanging out with her brothers and thought it was weird when other kids set up this boys vs. girls rivalry thing. (Still do think that’s weird, as a matter of fact.)

2. Who are some of your favorite fictional sibling groups?

I feel like I’m probably forgetting a lot of favorites, but I always loved the vibe of the group of kids in The Story Girl and The Golden Road by L.M. Mongtomery, although only some of them were siblings. I also liked a lot of the sibling groups in Noel Streatfield’s stories…especially the Forums in Apple Bough (aka Traveling Shoes). While Wolfgang and Ethel were a little annoying, I really liked both Myra and Sebastian.

3. Are there any fictional families you wish you could belong to yourself?

I can’t think of any…it might be fun to hang out with the Marches (Little Women) for a few days (when everybody was home and alive) but I wouldn’t want it as a steady thing. I also have a special fondness for the Dashwoods (Sense and Sensibility), but not to be a part of. Too much drama. Besides, I like Mrs. Dashwood, but as a mother? No.

4. Have you ever watched or read a book that reminded you of your own family?

This is a little random, but when I was little the family in the Christmas picture book The Legend of the Christmas Rose reminded me a bit of my own family, just because of the dynamic of the one little girl surrounded by big brothers. I really can’t think of anything else…

5. What fictional sibling would you NOT want for your own sibling?

Ironically, considering whose name I go under, I’m going to choose Charlie Hexam from Our Mutual Friend by Dickens. One of the most self-absorbed and unlikable people I can think of.

6. Are you more drawn to stories about brothers or sisters?

Honestly, I think it just depends on the story. I’ve probably read more sister stories, but I have definitely enjoyed both. I think that sister stories have more potential to be overly fluffy, and brother stories have more potential to be overly…boring. BUT that is just potentially. Either can be very good.

7. What makes a story involving siblings interesting to you?

Well, a good plot is automatically going to make any story more interesting. But besides that, I think a sibling story which focuses on everyone’s various different personalities, and how those personalities interact – maybe sometimes clash – with each other, is often going to engage my interest. I tend to prefer stories driven primarily by characters, rather than action.

Well, there’s the tag! And hopefully before too long I’ll have a more substantive post for We Love Sibling Stories Week.

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  1. Ooh, I hardly ever meet anybody who’s read The Story Girl! I love that group of kids, too.

    “sister stories have more potential to be overly fluffy, and brother stories have more potential to be overly…boring” lol, okay but I’ve never actually thought of it that way? I think those are pretty much what I’m wary of when trying out both those sorts of stories, though! That and overly tragic sister stories. Tragic brother stories are a fine line, but do not come at me with terribly mutilated sister relationships! I cannot handle it!

    • Lizzie Hexam

      Isn’t The Story Girl great? When I was eleven or so I binge-read just about every L.M. Montgomery book in existence (there are probably a few short stories I missed, but it can’t have been many)…so, pretty much any L.M. Montgomery book you can name, I know it. (Not that that necessarily means I’ll remember much about it, of course…my brain bears certain similarities to a sieve at times :P)

      It’s kind of funny, now that you’ve mentioned it I’ve been thinking…and I really can’t think of any super tragic sister stories that I’ve read! Maybe it’s best to keep it that way, hehe.

  2. The clash of personalities does often make for cool stories!

    I always wanted a big brother. I got a little one instead — but he’s pretty cool anyway 🙂 Kind of envying you having four of them! And yeah, the whole “boy vs. girl rivalry thing” made me roll my eyes as a kid, and still does now. People do get ridiculous sometimes!

    • Lizzie Hexam

      It’s funny…I often thought I would like to have a little sibling! (An additional one…not to replace the ones I already had.) People do get ridiculous about that…and there’s absolutely no reason for it!

  3. Oh my goodness, having four big brothers sounds stupendous! 😀 I mean, I’m sure it had rough moments, but I’m the oldest in my family and always kind of wanted an older brother or two. I didn’t need an older sister or anything, but I wanted that brother for some reason! I do have an older boy cousin who’s kind of like an older brother, but that’s the closest I got, lol.

    Noel Streatfield’s siblings are awesome! I especially loved the pair in Dancing Shoes growing up.

    I love The Legend of the Christmas Rose! It’s so sweet that it reminded you of your family!

    • Lizzie Hexam

      Hehe, it definitely has its perks! Of course there are rough spots, but I’m sure that’s true of every family. But hey, yes, your cousin can be your adopted big brother! 😉

      Oh hurray, someone else who read Noel Streatfield growing up! Dancing Shoes was a favorite of mine…though it certainly could be frustrating in spots (I loved Rachel and found her much more relatable than Hilary, but gosh, that girl needed to just COMMUNICATE).

      Isn’t it a sweet story? I feel like there must be a fictional family out there which fits us better, but I haven’t thought of any yet…guess we’re just too unique xP

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