Of Tea and Idiots and Ominous Crashes (aka Story Snippets)

photograph of an Edwardian woman typing on a typewriter

I fear that my last few posts – including this one – have been a little on the slapdash side. I apologize. I do have an actual substantive post in the works, which I should be posting by the end of next week if all goes well, but to tide you over until then, here are a few story snippets from sundry projects of mine.


“What a lovely family,” said Mr. Randolph, as he and his wife smiled at each in turn.
“And you have two more, you say?” said Mrs. Randolph.
“Yes, yes. But they’re upstairs; sleeping, I believe.”
An ominous crash from the head of the stairs seemed to contradict this, but everyone deemed it best to ignore it.

Pauline Story Take 3


The rain was starting now, and the waves were becoming larger. I pulled my cloak tighter around me and cursed this cold, miserable, primitive planet, where the rain was so cold and a simple thunderstorm was enough to potentially ruin your travel plans and ruin your life.
“You might want to head below, ma’am,” my crewman said mournfully as he passed me. “It’s going to be wet.”
I bit my tongue to prevent a sharp retort. I was aware that it was going to be wet.

When Time Runs Out


Harold absently ate as he read, making sympathetic tsking noises from time to time. “So Roger’s been making bad investments again, eh?” he said as he put the letter down.
“To say ‘again’ implies that he stops occasionally,” said Mr. Shaw. “I don’t know why she thinks it’s any concern of mine. Why should I care if her husband is an idiot? She’ll get no money from me, if that’s what she’s after.”
Harold made a coughing sort of noise which could be interpreted as either a noise of assent or reproach.

Pauline Story Take 3


I could not back out of this marriage now. It was my duty to go through with it. I had promised my hand, for the good of my province and for the good of Valence, though I could feel no great love for Valence at that moment. Besides – and I fear this was the stronger motivation – it would be an unbearable blow to my pride to slink back to my father and beg to be let out of my obligations on the plea of some romantical notion. I had always prided myself on my common sense, my logical thinking, my lack of romance. I would not debase myself now.

To Love What I Love Not


“This house is all of her that’s left,” she whispered. “He thinks she’ll come back, but I can’t think that. I’ve tried. If I leave the house, I’m leaving her.” It was no help to remind herself that there was no question of leaving the house forever, and that she could return as soon as it was repaired. She had always felt symbolism strongly. Walking away from the place of her childhood, the place which had smilingly watched all her happy days, which had lovingly housed the woman she had always confided and trusted in, was a lot to ask. Coming on top of the house just being burned and nearly wrecked, it was too much. She wouldn’t do it. She felt sorry for the man and would like to accept his offer, but there was no help for it. He would have to understand – or not. It didn’t matter. She was staying.

Where She Lay in the Grass 


I smiled and took a sip from my own cup. Lupita beamed at me proudly. “I made the tea myself, you know,” she said.
“How lovely,” I said, still smiling.  I wondered what exactly the drink was made of. I could hazard absolutely no conjecture from the taste.

To Love What I Love Not


“As a matter of fact, I am engaged tonight. Friends of my father’s are dining – the Randolphs. And their relatives – Shaw, I believe is the name? – are coming as well.”
“Shaw? You know the Shaws?” Jane sat up fully. “I didn’t know you were on that level of society.”
Pauline opened her mouth to explain that she had never met the Shaws before and it was only an unusual circumstance which led to her meeting them now, but seeing how she had risen in her companion’s estimation, she guiltily closed her mouth and left the words unsaid.

Pauline Story Take 3


I paused and turned for a moment, letting myself drink in my beloved Sargosse. There was a cool breeze. I closed my eyes and smelled the rich earth, the smell of green growing things. I could hear the leaves rustling in the wind. When I opened my eyes I could see them – great stretches of forest just outside the city gates, waving and bending and leaning protectively over me and my land. Valence would be hot and would have little greenery. There would be no loving, protecting forest around Valence.

To Love What I Love Not

photograph of a woman writing

How are your writing projects coming along? Any suggestions of how I might think of a better story title than “Pauline Story Take 3”?

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  1. Emi

    There are few things more intriguing than being given snips and pieces of stories that look to have extremely agreeable continuances…. And here we have quite an entire page full of them!! That bit with Harold and Mr. Shaw…. It oughtn’t to be hysterical, I’m sure. It is, after all, a very serious business, really, but it is anyway, (hysterical, I mean) and pleases me greatly.

    *peeks hesitantly through her fingers* I haven’t…. Exactly…. Been writing away at great heaps of anything but electronic correspondence…. So I guess mostly they are sleeping, my scribbles?

    Goodness, that’s a hard question! No title has stepped up to claim it, I assume, since you are asking? Well then, what are the first things you think of when PTT comes to mind? Those could definitely be contributing factors…. Furthermore, what sort of picture do you want the title to paint? So many things to consider! Which I must say I don’t do often, I just Marianne-ishly wait for words to tickle my fancy😜

    • Lizzie Hexam

      Heh, that bit is meant to be mildly amusing, so I am glad it struck you as such 😉

      Well, sometimes inspiration needs to simmer for a while before it bursts out. Though on the other hand, it can also be helpful to force oneself to devote at least a few minutes every day to writing…sometimes that can prevent inspiration from going dormant too long 😉

      The trouble is that I tend to have hazy-ish ideas of how exactly my stories will turn out, which makes your questions difficult ones to answer…I know the general aesthetic of Pauline, and the general theme is character growth and such, but there aren’t specific images or phrases that come to mind that would make a good title. I think I may have to be a bit Marianne-ish in this respect myself and wait for the perfect title to hit me, since nothing else has worked yet!

  2. What-ho, Lizzie!

    These are all quite lovely! And have you begun a new project? “Where She Lay On The Grass” is an auspicious and quite intriguing title. What’s it about? 🙂

    The Pauline Story Title thing is interesting because it’s a little hard to name a story I’ve read only part of. When I name my stories, I usually have a general idea of how it will end, and that tends to influence my choice of title. Without spoiling anything, would you be willing to give me a wee bit more about what’s going to happen? I could help you better then!

    Lovely stories, all! I’m so excited to see them continue 😛

    • Lizzie Hexam

      What ho, what ho!

      Where She Lay in the Grass is actually a short story I had written a year or so ago…I just unearthed it recently and thought it was better than most of my old projects that I come across 😛 It’s about a girl who’s waiting for her mother to return, and her childhood home burns down. (Which you probably already figured out from the snippet, but oh well :P)

      Well, the general themes of the story are character growth and breaking out of one’s shell and doing the Right Thing even when it’s hard…but you can’t really make a title from that 😛 I may just have to wait a bit before I name it.

      Thank you!! I am excited to continue ;D

      • Oh, lovely, lovely! If you’d be willing to share, I’d be Muchly Appreciating ;P

        Those are quite admirable themes! I’ll think on it and let you know if The Inspiration decides to pay a visit :))

        You’re welcome! I’m excited to witness Said Continuation ;D

        • Lizzie Hexam

          But of course! I don’t think it’s the best thing I’ve ever written, but it is also certainly not the worst xD

          Thank you! If Inspiration comes knocking, please do let me know 😀

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