Life According to Literature Tag

life according to literature tag

Good morning…that is to say, what-ho! Snooping about other people’s blog archives, I found this very fun-looking little thingamajig, the Life According to Literature tag. I don’t know if it’s still a Thing in any way, shape or form, since the posts I found of it are from…um…more than seven years ago. But it looked fun, so I decided to do it. (I believe it originally came from here. Must give credit where credit is due.)

The rules are only to use books read in the past year, so since I am a law-abiding citizen, that is what I’m doing (counting re-reads and read-alouds).

(Please note that some poetic license is employed in some of these answers.)

Describe yourself: The Female Philosopher by Jane Austen. (Okay, so this is a scrap of writing, not a full book, and I can’t even remember if it’s one of the scraps that I actually read…forget what I just said about being a law-abiding citizen.)

How do you feel today: Being Logical by D.Q. McIrney.

Describe where you currently live: The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery.

cool castle
No, that’s not actually a picture of my home. I’m not that cool.

If you could go anywhere, you would go to: North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. (Might as well cover a lot of ground, right?)

Your favorite form of transportation: Sun Slower, Sun Faster by Meriol Trevor. (This might only make sense if you’ve read the book…if you haven’t, this means time-travel.)

Your best friend is: Lady Susan by Jane Austen. (Ha. Ha. Not.)

You and your friends are: Graced and Gifted by Kimberly Hahn. ; )

What’s the weather like: A Winter’s Tale by Shakespeare.

winter's day illustration
If only the play were this cute…

You fear: The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien.

What’s the best advice you have to give: Finish by Jon Acuff.

Thought for the day: Aunts Aren’t Gentlemen by P.G. Wodehouse.

How you would like to die: I don’t think death is a thing to joke around about, so I’m going to answer this question seriously. Consoling the Heart of Jesus by Fr. Michael Gaitley.

Your soul’s/imagination’s present condition: All Things Bright and Beautiful by James Herriot.

Yorkshire dales

So there’s that! I shan’t tag anyone else, seeing how I was not tagged myself, but unashamedly stole this. But if you want to fill it out, please do so and let me know, because I’d love to see your answers!

What’s your life according to literature?

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  1. What a fun post Lizzie! I’ll have to look up a few of your book titles, but I love how you used them all!!

    • Lizzie Hexam

      Thank you!! Yes, I had to dig into some fairly obscure titles…finding titles for each one was harder than you might think! 😉

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