Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, post ideas, or just to chat! Just shoot me an email (the address is lizziehexam@starlightandsaucepans.org), and I’ll do my best to get back to you promptly.
Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, post ideas, or just to chat! Just shoot me an email (the address is lizziehexam@starlightandsaucepans.org), and I’ll do my best to get back to you promptly.
Hello, Lizzie! I don’t remember how I found your blog…I think I was researching for a Pride and Prejudice post I wrote…but I just wanted to say you have a very cool blog and I love the name!
God bless you!
Hello Autumn! Thanks so much for your comment…it really brightened my day! I’ve taken a peek at your blog as well, and it looks lovely; I’ll definitely be returning for a closer look 🙂
God bless!
Aw, you’re welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed it! (Your blog is just soo cool, too!) Thanks!
God bless you!
I’ve been a reader of your website for around 4 months and I would like first of all to say that I really enjoy it.
I’ve got recently some problems with my eyes which effects my reading ability.
Thereby I’ve a favor to ask. Is it possible for you to add podcast audio version of your articles on your website?
It would be very useful for people like me or others who like to listen to your content.
I’ve researched on that a bit and I found few free services that can help to do that.
Here are the websites that I found that can add audio podcast to your site for free, maybe there are more but I found these two which I think can be helpful.
Thank you in advance
Patricia Hope
Hello Patricia,
I am so happy to hear you’ve been enjoying my blog! Thank you for this suggestion; I will definitely consider adding an audio option, and will start researching ways I could do that. Thank you for already finding a couple sites for me!
Hi Patricia,
I just wanted to let you know that I have started adding an audio version for my posts! I will be adding an audio version for new posts as I put them up, and I will also be slowly working on getting audio versions for my old posts. I’ll be including a link to the audio version in each blog post, but I also just created a page where links for all the audio recordings will be available in one place: https://starlightandsaucepans.org/audio-archives/ Obviously there’s not much there yet, but I should be adding more soon! 🙂